Kingdom Come: Just Completed

Yesterday I finished the first edit of "Kingdom Come" and sent it off to beta.  "Kingdom Come" is a murder mystery novel set in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and it involves the Amish. And there is a m-m romance plotline to it as well. Like the hero, Detective Meyer Harris, I was born in Pennsylvania and moved away for college.  My husband and I returned 3 years ago and bought a farm here.  Although Meyer's reasons for returning are different than mine, a lot of his feelings about Lancaster County--good and bad--are autobiographical.

"Kingdom Come" also represents a sort of cross-over for me. Before I wrote m/m romance as Eli Easton, I published mysteries and thrillers under another name.  "Kingdom Come" contains both that old writer and the new.

Here're a few images I used for inspiration of the tone and mood of "Kingdom Come".  It's something like a m/m version of "Witness" meets "The Killing" (the AMC TV show). NOTE: These are not the official cover, just inspiration images.



And here's an early excerpt -- the first part of chapter 1.


The Dead Girl


“We’ve got a dead girl.  I need you.”

I blearily looked at the clock. It was five-forty-five a.m. on a Wednesday morning. I hated being woken up early.  It ranked right up there with cold coffee and flat tires.

“Where?” I tried to get my mind clear of the bitter murk of a lingering nightmare.  I couldn’t remember the details, but I remembered holding Terry’s cold, wet hand as he laid in the street.

Grady gave me the address.  “It’s… sensitive,” he added, his voice tight.

“All right.”  I didn’t get his meaning. It wasn’t like I was going to stop on the way and alert the media. Still, those two words haunted me as I followed the GPS to the address he gave me. When I drew close I understood.

The address on Grimlace Lane was an Amish farm in the middle of a whole lot of other Amish farms in the borough of Paradise, Pennsylvania. Sensitive like a broken tooth. Murders didn’t happen here, not here.

Even before I parked, my mind started generating theories and scenarios. Dead girl, Grady had said. If it had been natural causes or an accident, like falling down the stairs, Grady wouldn’t have called me in. It had to be murder or at least a suspicious death. A father disciplining his daughter a little too hard?  Dottering Grandma dipping into the rat poison rather than the flour?

There were a couple of black-and-whites and an unmarked car—Grady’s—by the barn.  The CSI team and coroner had not yet arrived.  I didn’t live far from the murder site.  I was glad for the head start and the quiet.

I paused outside my car to get a sense of place.  The interior of the barn glowed in the cold dark of a winter morning.  I took in the classic white shape of a two-story bank barn, the snowy corn fields behind, the glow of lanterns coming from the huge, barely open barn door…. It looked like one of those quaint paintings you see hanging in the local tourist shops with a title like Winter Dawn. I’d only moved back to Pennsylvania eight month ago after spending ten years in Manhattan. I still felt a pang at the quiet beauty of it.

Until I opened the door and slipped inside.

It wasn’t what I expected. It was like some bizarre and horrific game of mixed-up pictures. The warmth of the rough barn wood was lit by a half dozen oil lanterns. Add in the scattered straw, two Jersey cows, and twice as many horses, all watching the proceedings with bland interest from various stalls, and it felt like a cozy step back in time.  That vibe did not compute with the dead girl on the floor of the barn. She was most definitely not Amish, which was the first surprise. She was young and beautiful, like something out of a 50’s pulp magazine. She had long, honey blond hair and a face that still had the blush of life thanks to the heavy make-up she wore. She had on a candy pink sweater that molded over taunt breasts and a short gray wool skirt that was pushed up to her hips. She still wore pink underwear, though it looked roughly twisted.  Her nails were the same shade as her sweater.  Her bare feet, thighs, and hands were blue-white with death, and her neck too, at the line below her jaw where the make-up stopped.

The whole scene felt unreal, like some pretentious performance art, the kind in those Soho galleries Terry had always dragged me too.  But then, death always looked unreal.

“Coat?  Shoes?” I asked, already taking inventory. Maybe knee-high boots, I thought, reconstructing it in my mind.  And thick tights to go with that wool skirt.  Even a girl worried more about looks than weather wouldn’t go bare-legged in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in January.

“They’re not here. We looked.” Grady’s voice was tense. I finally spared him a glance. His face was drawn in a way I’d never seen before, like he was digesting a meal of ground glass.

In that instant, I saw the media attention this could get, the politics, the outrage. I remembered that Amish school shooting a few years back. I hadn’t lived here then, but I’d seen the press. Who hadn’t?

“You sure you want me on this?” I asked him quietly.

“You’re the most experienced homicide detective I’ve got,” Grady said. “I need you, Harris. And I need this wrapped up quickly.”

“Yeah.” I wasn’t agreeing that it could be. My gut said this wasn’t going to be a shut-and-dried case, but I agreed it would be nice. “Who found her? Do we know who she is?”

“Jacob Miller, eleven years old. He’s the son of the Amish farmer who lives here. Poor kid. Came out to milk the cows this morning and found her just like that.  The family says they have no idea who she is or how she got here.”

“How many people live on the property?”

“Amos Miller, his wife, and their six children. The oldest, a boy, is fifteen. The youngest is three.”

More vehicles pulled up outside.  The forensics team no doubt. I was gratified that Grady had called me in first. It was good to see the scene before it turned into a lab.

“Can you hold them outside for five minutes?” I asked Grady.

He nodded and went out.

I pulled on some latex gloves, then looked at the body, bending down to get as close to it as I could without touching it.  The left side of her head, towards the back, was matted with blood and had the look of a compromised skull.  The death blow?  I tried to imagine what had happened. The killer—he or she——had probably come up behind the victim, struck her with something heavy.  The autopsy would tell us more.  I didn’t think it had happened here. There were no signs of a disturbance or the blood you’d expect from a head wound, and it just felt wrong. I carefully pulled up her hip a bit and looked at the underside of her back and thigh. Very minor lividity. She hadn’t been in this position long—no more than six hours. And I noticed something else—her clothes were wet.  I rubbed a bit of her wool skirt and sweater between my fingers to be sure—and came away with dampness on the latex.  She wasn’t soaked now, and her skin was dry, so she’d been here long enough to dry out, but she’s been very wet at some point.  I could see now that her hair wasn’t just styled in a casual damp-dry curl, it had been recently wet, probably post-mortem along with her clothes.

I straightened frowning.  It was odd.  We’d had two inches of snow the previous afternoon, but it was too cold for rain.  If the body had been left outside in the snow would it have gotten this wet?  Maybe the M.E. could tell me.

Since I was sure she hadn’t been killed in the barn, I checked the floor for drag marks. The floor was wooden planks kept so clean there was no straw or dirt in which drag marks would show, but there were traces of wet prints.  Then again, the boy who’d found the body had been in the barn and so had Grady and the uniforms, and me too. I carefully examined the girl’s bare feet.  There was no broken skin, no sign her feet had been dragged through the snow or across rough boards.

The killer was strong. He’d carried her in here and laid her down.  Which meant he’d arranged her like this—pulled up her skirt, splayed her thighs.  He’d wanted it to look sexual. Why?

The doors opened.  Grady and the forensics team stood in the doorway.

“Blacklight this whole area,” I requested. “And this floor—see if you can get any prints or traffic patterns off it. Don’t let anyone in until that’s done. I’m going to look outside.”  I looked at Grady. “The M.E.?”

“Should be here any minute.”

“Good.  Make sure she’s tested for any signs of penetration, consensual or otherwise.”


Grady barked orders. The crime scene technicians—a pair I knew by name only, Jill and Anthony—pulled on blue coveralls and booties just outside the door.  This was only the sixth homicide needing real investigation I’d been on since moving back to Lancaster—the others had been cut-and-dried domestic or gang violence.  I was still impressed that the department had decent tools and protocol, even though I knew that was just big city arrogance talking.

I left them to it and went out to find my killer’s tracks in the snow.

*                          *                         *

This winter had been harsh this year. In fact, it was shaping up to be the worst in decades. We’d had a white Christmas and then it never really left. The fresh two inches we’d gotten the day before had covered up an older foot or two of dirty snow and ice. Thanks to a low of the 20’s overnight, the fresh snow had a dry, powdery surface that showed no signs of melting.  It still wasn’t fun to walk on, though, due to the underlying grunge. It said a lot about the killer if he’d carried her body over any distance.

There was a neatly shoveled path from the house to the barn and in front of the barn doors. Most of the snow in the central open area between the house and the barn had been stomped down, from feet both human and animal. It didn’t take me long to spot a deep set of prints heading off across an open field that was otherwise pristine.  The line of prints came and went, the ‘leaving’ prints sometimes laying over the approaching prints. They showed a sole like a work boot and they were as large as my own feet. They came from, and returned to, a distant copse of trees.  I bent over to examine one of the prints close to the barn.  It had definitely been made since the last snowfall.

A few minutes later, I got my first look at Amos Miller, the Amish farmer who owned the property. Grady called him out and showed him the tracks. Miller looked to be in his mid-forties with dark brown hair and a long, unkempt beard.  His face was round and solemn.  I said nothing, just observed. There’d be time later to question Miller and everyone else on the property. Right now those tracks were glowing in my brain like they were covered in radioactive dust.

They say the first forty-eight hours are critical in a homicide case, and that’s true, but, frankly, a lot of murders can be solved in the first eight hours. Sometimes it’s obvious—the boyfriend standing there with a guilty look and blood under his nails rambling about a ‘masked robber’. Sometimes the neighbors can tell you they heard a knock-down, drag-out fight. And sometimes… there are tracks in the snow.

“Nah. I didn’t make them prints and ain’t no reason for my boys to be out there.” He said ‘there’ as dah, his German accent as broad as his face. “But lemme ask ’em just to be sure.”

He started to stomp away. I called after him. “Bring them out here, please.”

Grady shot me an assessing look, but he didn’t argue. I wanted to see their faces as they denied it—assuming they did.

First impression of Amos Miller?  He looked worried. Then again, he was an Amish farmer with two boys in their teens. A  beautiful young English girl—the Amish called everyone who was not Amish ‘English’—was dead and spread-eagle in his barn. I’d be worried too.

He came back with three boys.  The youngest was small and still a child. That was probably Jacob, the eleven-year-old who’d found the body. His face was blank, like he was in shock. The next one up looked to be around thirteen, just starting puberty. He was thin with a rather awkward nose and oversized hands he still hadn’t grown into.  His father introduced him as Ham. The oldest, Wayne, had to be the fifteen-year-old that Grady mentioned, the oldest child. All three were decent-looking boys in that wholesome, bowl-cut way of Amish youth. The older two looked excited but not guilty. I suppose it was quite an event, having a dead body found on your farm.  I wondered if the older boys had been in the barn to see the girl since their little brother’s discovery.  Knowing how large families worked, I couldn’t imagine they hadn’t.

Each of the boys looked at the tracks and shook his head.  “Nah,” the oldest added for good measure.  “Ain’t from me.”

“Any of you recognize that print?” I asked. “Does it look like boots you’ve seen before?”

They all craned forward to look.  Amos stroked his beard. “Just look like boots. Maybe. You can check all ours if you like. We’ve nothin’ to hide.”

I nodded at Grady. We’d definitely want the crime team to inventory every pair of shoes and boots in the house.

“Would you all mind stepping over here for me?”  I lead them over to the other side of the ice-and-gravel drive where there was some untouched snow.  “Youngest to oldest, one at a time.”

The youngest stepped forward into the snow with both feet, then back. The others mimicked his actions obediently, including Amos Miller.

“Thank you. That’s all for now. I’ll want to speak to you a bit later, so please stay home.”

They went back inside and Grady and I compared the tracks. All three of the boys had visibly smaller feet than the tracks in the snow. Amos’s prints were possibly large enough but didn’t have the same sole pattern.  Besides, I was sure Grady wasn’t missing the fact that the prints came and went from the trees since the prints heading that direction overlaid the ones approaching the barn.

“Ronks Road is over there beyond those woods.” Grady sounded hopeful as he pointed across the field. “Can it be that easy?”


Grady cocked an eyebrow at me.

“You’ll jinx it. Never say the word ‘easy’. That’s inviting Murphy and his six cousins.”

Grady smirked a bit. “Well if the killer dumped her here, he had to come from somewhere.”

I grunted. I knew what Grady was thinking. I was thinking it too.  A car of rowdy youth, or maybe just a guy and his hot date.  A girl ends up dead and he/they get the bright idea to dump her on an Amish farm.  They drive out here, park, cross a snowy cornfield and leave her in a random barn.

It sounded like a stupid teenage prank, only it was murder and possibly an attempt to frame someone else.  That was a lot of prison years of serious.  A story like that—it would make the press happy and Grady fucking ecstatic, especially if we could nab the guy who wore those boots by tonight.

“Get a photographer and a recorder and let’s go,” I said, feeling only a moment’s silent regret over my suede oxfords.  I should have worn my snow boots.






Cover Reveal: The Mating of Michael

TheMatingOfMike no watermark  

Here's the cover for "The Mating of Michael", due in June 2014.  This romance features Michael Lamont, the sex surrogate that appeared in "The Trouble with Tony" (Sex in Seattle #1) and "The Enlightenment of Daniel" (Sex in Seattle #2).  This is my first full novel length m/m romance story, so it will be coming out in paperback as well as an eBook.  I'll post the link and final release date when I have it.

Here's an older post with an excerpt.


What I'm Working on: Kingdom Come

I haven't posted for a bit, so I thought I should give you an update.  I have a few things coming up and a new novel in the works. COMING UP:

APRIL:  an anthology of 4 novellas called "Stitch" is coming out from Dreamspinner Press.  The anthology includes novellas by myself, Jamie Fessenden, Kim Fielding, and Sue Brown.  All the novellas have a Frankenstein/created man theme.  I'm excited about this and hope it does well.  Here's the cover.


JUNE:  I'll have a story in this year's Dreamspinner's Daily Dose, a novella called "Heaven Can't Wait".  Also in June or July, "The Mating of Michael" comes out. It's my first full-length m/m novel (73K words) and is the 3rd in the Sex in Seattle series.  It stars Michael Lamont, a sex therapist, and I hope you all love it as much as I do!


I'm working on a novella for the next gothika anthology that's a m/m romance and gothic Voodoo-themed story. It's tenatively called "The Bird".

"Kingdom Come" -- I'm also currently writing a novel that's a bit different for me. It's a murder mystery with a m/m romance.  I have written and published mysteries before, in my 'past life', but I haven't done one in a few years, and never with a m/m romance element to it.  The book is set in contemporary Lancaster County, PA, where I currently reside. The plot involves the Amish culture.  One MC is a homicide detective and the other is a young Amish widower.  The mystery is quite heavy and dark.  I hope to see it published in 2014.  Here's a little taste of a visual I have been using to inspire myself.  (NOTE:  This is not a book cover, just a little wallpaper I made for myself.)  Click for a closer view.



That's all the news for now.  Enjoy the early spring and I'll post more about "Stitch" soon!


"The Mating of Michael" gets a contract

Yay!  Today I got a contract for "The Mating of Michael". This is my first full length novel with Dreamspinner Press at 73K words. It is the 3rd in the Sex in Seattle series and features sex surrogate Michael Lamont.  Pub date is Jun-Jul 2014. I'll post more about it later. For now, here's a picture I used for inspiration for Michael (this is L.A. model Isaiah Garnica).




Release day: The Enlightenment of Daniel


It's out!  "The Enlightenment of Daniel" is the second book in my Sex in Seattle series (the first was "The Trouble With Tony").  It can be read as a stand-alone.  This is my longest m/m romance yet at 53K words.

You can read a long excerpt here.

And here is my Desktop post about the book with lots of pictures and info on the story.


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I hope you enjoy the story.


Desktop: "The Enlightenment of Daniel"

"The Enlightenment of Daniel" releases on Dec 18th.  Per usual, I'm posting a "desktop" for it.  These are the images that I used for inspiration while I was writing the story.  I hope they can either intrigue you enough to read the story or, if you've read it, provide some interesting visual references. PURCHASE LINK:



Daniel Derenzo:

This story is about Daniel Derenzo, one of the two owners of DRE, a Seattle company which has made a lot of money buying dysfunctional companies, turning them around, and selling them.  Daniel is, in a word, the business shark of the two-man team.  He is the one who takes over the failing companies, often via hostile take-over.  Yet I didn't want a typical nasty tycoon.  The character of Daniel needed humor.  He's an often unintentionally funny Type A who is a bit bumbling in a always-over-thinking-it type way. Sort of Woody Allen meets Gorden Gekko.  He also is good-looking and very concerned about his image.  I couldn't figure out who Daniel looked like until my husband suggested Ben Affleck.  And, yeah, when Ben does his uptight-bumbling-intellect thing, he is Daniel-esque. Here are a few photos of Ben in more of a 'Daniel' persona.

ben-affleck-300 1365105959ben-affleck-talks-blake-lively-in-details-october-2012-03[1]


Nick Ross:

Nick is the other half of DRE, Daniel's business partner and best friend ever since they roomed together in college.  As Daniel puts it, Nick is the 'nice' to Daniel's 'mercenary'. Once Daniel has successfully taken over a company, Nick goes in and makes everyone happy, wins over the employees, and makes the company healthy again. Nick needed to be softer, charming, and appealing.  He's a super nice guy who doesn't necessarily stick up for himself.  He's also scruffier and not as obsessed with his appearance as Daniel (and a bit of a ginger). I picked Ewan McGregor as a physical model for Nick.



Marcia Ross:

Nick's wife, Marcia, is a woman who is desperately clinging to a marriage that ended a long time ago. She's concerned with image, yes, but also has been convinced by her mother that divorce will ruin her two kids and that it's her job to maintain the marriage at any cost.  Marcia is not really a villain to me, she is someone who is stuck in a rut and can't even see how bad things are, nor does she have any idea how to fix them. She's just determined to hang on to the status quo. If you can imagine a drowning person punching and fighting the person trying to rescue them out of fear--that is Marcia.  By the way, she gets an HEA too.  I picture Marcia as a sort of blonde, Housewives of Beverly Hills type visually, but she does change by the end of the story.



Jenny Ross:

I've always had a soft spot for m/m romances with kids in them, but this is the first time I've written one.  Nick has two children including Jenny, who is 13.  Jenny is a typical teen but she's struggling to find her own identity separate from her mother.  Below was the inspiration for Jenny **post make-over**.



Sylvan Ross:

Sylvan is Nick's other kid, an 8-year-old boy.  He's all boy, a goof-ball, and just "a love sponge".  Here's my reference for Sylvan.




Frank Derenzo aka "Iron Man":

"The Enlightenment of Daniel" has a theme of fatherhood.  The entire story begins when Daniel's father, Frank, calls Daniel to the hospital as he is dying of cancer. He gives Daniel a "Marley's ghost" lecture, warning him not to spend his life pursuing only business, as Frank has done, but to fall in love, live life, and be happy.  Frank is a major character in this book--I love him to death (literally, apparently). He's sharp-tongued and provides some comic moments.



Expanded Horizons Sex Clinic:

This story is part of my Sex In Seattle series, which are stories which revolve around a sex clinic in Seattle called Expanded Horizons.  (This story, however, is completely stand alone).  Daniel goes to Expanded Horizons for counselling when he starts having sexual feeling for Nick.  This is pretty disturbing to Daniel,  because he's 34 and he always thought he was straight.  The building below is a reference for Expanded Horizons.



Dr. Jack Halloran:

Jack, the star of "The Trouble With Tony," makes an appearance in "Daniel" as Daniel's sex therapist. He helps Daniel figure out these new feelings, and if he is actually gay or not.

young doctor man with stethoscope and clipboard against different backgrounds


Michael Lamont:

Michael is the gay sex surrogate at Expanded Horizons. When one of Jack's patients could benefit from actual sexual contact with a licensed therapist, it is Michael who does it. He's works with everything from E.D. patients (erectile dysfunction) to those with severe handicaps or fear of intimacy.  I LOVE MICHAEL and I'm currently writing his book (Sex in Seattle #3).  He has a wonderful scene in "The Enlightenment of Daniel", though.  Daniel goes to Michael to test once and for all the theory that he is gay.  Hot!  [Note: Michael physically is inspired by model Isaiah Garnica, who is in the photo below.]



Here are some places in Seattle that appear in "The Enlightenment of Daniel"



Above: The Metropolitan Grill where Daniel and Nick have lunch




Above:  Molly Moon's ice cream where Daniel takes Nick and the kids



Above: Safeco field from the VIP seats. Daniel takes Nick and his kids to a game here.

The House/Cabin on Bainbridge

A very important part of the story takes place on Bainbridge Island, in a house on the water that Daniel rents.  Here're some inspirational photos for that.

novotny.04 dock



Special Bonus:

Daniel's John Lobb shoes, which star in the first scene.

John Lobb_Shoe_5

And the (hubba hubba) bathing suit Daniel wears at the cabin.



That's it for this book!  I hope you enjoy this story.  If you do, drop me a line at or tag me on twitter at @EliEaston






Cover reveal: The Enlightenment of Daniel

eod-final-preview Just got a cover for "The Enlightenment of Daniel".  This is the second in the Sex in Seattle series, though it's not necessary to read the first one to enjoy this one.  This book is due from Dreamspinner in mid December.

Here's the blurb:

Business tycoon Daniel Derenzo lives for his work until his dying father reminds him life is short. When Daniel starts to reevaluate his world he experiences a startling revelation—he’s attracted to his business partner and best friend, Nick, even though Daniel always believed himself to be straight. In typical type A fashion, Daniel dissects his newfound desires with the help of the experts at the Expanded Horizons sex clinic. He goes after Nick with the fierce determination that’s won him many a business deal.

Nick Ross was in love with Daniel years ago, when they were roommates in college. But Daniel was straight and Nick patched his broken heart by marrying Marcia. Two kids and fourteen years later, they go through the motions of their marriage like ships passing in the night. But Nick’s kids mean the world to him, and he’s afraid he’d never get joint custody if they divorced. If he can trust his heart to an awakening Daniel, they all might find their way to a happily ever after.